The return to a relevant normality after the restricting measures due to the Corona virus pandemic is now a fact.The Organizational Committee of Olympus Marathon,after a lot of discussions, informs that it stays in the initial decision for performing the Olympus Marathon on Saturday the 12th of September 2020.
With the sense of high responsibility, protection and health security towards to the athletes, volunteers and staff,the health protocol will be transformed.Also,the program and the regulations of the race will be adjusted and soon will be announced.
Just for this year,we decided that ONLY the main run of 44km,the historical Olympus Marathon, will take place.All the other races will be cancelled.
In particular,the cancelled races are: Olympus Vertical, Olympus Ultra,Melindra Trail,Olympus Kids and Olympus for disabled.
Also,there will not happen any other athletic, cultural and art event relevant to the Olympus Marathon.
The registration for the Olympus Marathon.
The registration for the Olympus Marathon will continue until August 25th,2020.
Until now,the number of the participants reach the 230.
Just for this year,the limit for the number of the participants will be 500 athletes. The participation criteria are the same,the candidate athletes should have run either 35km race with 2200m. positive decline, either two 20km semi-marathons with 1000m. positive decline,refering only the two last years and this one.
The athletes that do not want to run the race the new date, Saturday 12th 2020, can sent an email in the organizational committee for their cancellation until August 1st, with 40€ refund. If the cancellation happens until August 25th, the refund is 25€ and after this date the organizational committee is not obliged to refund any money.
Other races registration.
The registrations of the other races will be cancelled and the registration fee will be gradually returned.The athletes will be notified for this via email.
The athletes from Olympus Ultra that want to transfer their participation to Olympus Marathon race,please contact to the organizational committee via email in
We hope that nothing will ruin our goal for a safe race.Please notice that if the circumstances oblige us to cancel the race,the organizational committee is not obliged to refund the athletes,because money would have already been spent for the Olympus Marathon race.